Upcoming News

Visit the Contact Us page to get more info about signing your child up for Tiny Tots.
Earn money for Tiny Tots while you do your usual shopping online or in stores. Click on the Fundraising tab to find out how to get started with eScrip and Amazon Smile.

Parent Participation

Tiny Tots is a cooperative pre-school in which the parents agree to participate in a program structured to help the child move from his/her home relationships out into the world. This is an extremely low cost program, which can succeed only as long as the parents agree to give of themselves and cooperate cheerfully, accepting the commitments outlined below:
Workdays: You are required to work in the classroom approximately 2 – 3 times per month. You will assist the teacher by helping with art projects, story time, science and park activities, and helping with other everyday operations. You will be required to arrive 30 minutes before class begins and stay about 15 minutes after class ends. 2 Day Class: approximately 2 – 3 times per month. 3 Day Class: approximately 3 times per month. Afternoon Class: approximately 3 times per monthWe have field trips approximately once a month. On field trip days you will need to drive and go with your child (or arrange for another parent to do so), as we have no “working parents” on field trip days. Some of our field trips include Tanaka Farms for pumpkins in the fall and strawberries in the spring, Sea World, Amtrak train ride and Zoomars Petting Zoo.You may be asked to participate in children’s Classroom Parties we have throughout the year. Parties usually coincide with holidays or the ending of school.
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General Meetings: You are required to attend a monthly meeting usually held on the fourth Monday evening of each month. Each meeting has an informative professional speaker on early childhood education followed by a business meeting to discuss school business.
Cleaning Day: You are required to help out with one cleaning day per school year. The Cleaning Day takes approximately 3 hours on a week night. This involves wiping down furniture and toys and organizing and cleaning out cabinets.
Fundraising: You will need to take part in annual fundraisers, such as a Trike-a-thon, Cake Walk and other fun events to help offset school costs.
Yearly Committee Position: You will be responsible for one yearly committee position. There are about 17 different positions to choose from. Field trip coordinator, class photographer, and fundraising assistant are some of the committee choices.